[center][h2][color=faebd7][b][u][color=silver] [color=silver]~[/color][color=9966cc]Kolburn[/color] [color=silver]and[/color] [color=springgreen]Locket[/color][color=silver]~[/color] [/color][/u][/b] [sup][sup][color=silver]Current Location: The Royal Training Grounds [/color] [/sup][/sup][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/TYZy2rx.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [color=9966cc]"Huh?"[/color] Kolburn had been so lost in her thinking, as she usually was, that she hadn't even noticed the presence of another until they were standing and stuttering right in front of him. From the green hair alone she could identify this person as none other than Locket. Then her gaze narrowed just briefly. That's right, Locket. Locket the pervert among his fellow knights. Locket, the one who would do anything to cope a feel, though surely he would have some common sense in approaching her. Expression turning neutral again, she looked him up and down before saying, [color=9966cc]"I require nothing of interest Knight. Except maybe a soul whou would be willing to entertain me in battle."[/color] Locket gulped as he heard those fateful words escape Sir Kolburn's lips. [color=springgreen]"Yeah, uhh, I was actually j-just going to train myself... S-so, uhh, I guess..."[/color] [color=springgreen][i]'Dammit, you idiot! If you accept the challenge you'll die! But how do you turn her down without getting your ass kicked...?Think, Locket, think!'[/i][/color] Locket's mind was going a hundred miles an hour to try and think up an excuse. However, it was somewhat difficult being in front of the person he feared more than anyone else. [color=springgreen]"Th-though I d-do kinda feel a bit ill, now that I th-think about it..."[/color] He wasn't sure if this would be enough to convince Kolburn, but it was the only thing he could think of. If he couldn't get away pulling a sicky, then he would get away via the sweet embrace of death. [color=springgreen]"Y-yep! Definitely sick! Ugh... Not good, sir! It's like I'm under the influence of a dark spell of sorts! Ow ow ow!"[/color] Little did he know, this likely would only worsen the situation. Worsen in ways that he could never predict because Kolburn gave him a strange look. His "feareful" face only made him look scrunched or, at worse, constipated. Or he was trying to insult her without words. Had she not thought that was ridiculous, she might have struck him in two right then and there. But as it were, she realized that maybe he really was ill and feeling weakened. Was it a heatwave? Some kind of bad stomach flu? [color=9966cc]"In that case, there's no point in it. I can't strike down an ally who can't even fight back,"[/color] the Knight Commander said with a hint of annoyance. [color=9966cc]"Fine then. At least let me escort you to the barracks so that you may recover soon. I hear soup is good for both the soul, mind, and body,"[/color] she said further, getting up and about. Her hand clasped his wrist like an iron shackle as she near-dragged him away from the training grounds and towards a doctor. Whether she was just playing the part or genuinely Locket was ill was yet to be seen....but honestly, it was probably the latter. [color=springgreen]"O-ow! Hey, s-sir! I-I'm OK enough to walk! I-I'm not crippled!"[/color] Unfortunately, Locket's pleas likely fell on deaf ears. He almost collapsed from the sudden strength shown by the Commander, though it may have also come down to the height difference. Thankfully he was good on his feet and managed to stand without making an ass of himself, but that still didn't mean he didn't feel awkward as Hell being lead to the barracks by the Commander. [color=springgreen][i]'Sheesh, it's like being dragged home by an annoying mother... Wait... If you look at it from a certain angle, it almost looks like she's holding my ha- nonononononoNO! Do you [b]want[/b] a death wish?! First rule of getting in bed with someone: make sure it's NOT someone who will cut your junk off for ANY reason!'[/i][/color] Welp, there went that idea... The not-so-chivalrous knight was thankful that there wasn't a whole lot of people around to see his current predicament. Though he had to admit, now that he was walking, it didn't feel so bad. Other than his wrist wanting to be spared from being crushed, of course. Pretty soon the green-haired knight found himself being taken back the way he'd come, silently crying to himself that he'd be right back where he started. Not only that, but Sir Kolburn could possibly impose lock down on his ass until he got better, which would mean no training. No training meant nothing to do. Boredom was the true killer. As he followed behind her, however, a thought occurred: [color=springgreen]"Wait, you can [i]cook[/i]?! Like, even soup?! I didn't take you for the cooking type, Sir!"[/color] He thought aloud, though immediately regretted his lack of forethought. [color=springgreen][i]'Shit shit shit! I fucked up! I'm as good as dead...!'[/i][/color] He gulped hard. Again. Surely this time she'd take [i]some[/i] kind of offence, right? For her part, Kolburn was actually quite surprised by how cooperative Locket was being towards all this. Not that she could tell if he was terrified or not, but his reputation definitely proceeded him. She had expected him to cop a feel out of her by now or comment some "smooth" remark to get in her good graces. But for once in his life, Locket was acting like the disciplined soldier he was supposed to be, quiet and following an order without question. She was definitely enjoying the sound of her own thoughts and briefly wondered if she had entirely misjudged Locket's character- [color=9966cc]"Hmm? Well of course I can cook. I've done so multiple times in the past before,"[/color] Kolburn said, surprised but not outraged. [color=9966cc]"My cooking is so good in fact, that whenever someone tries it they humbly refuse to eat for a week. Surely that's a sign that I've fed their stomach full to the point that a week's wait is enough to satisfy them,"[/color] said the Knight Commander proudly. [color=springgreen][i]'You aren't very bright, are you, Sir...?'[/i][/color] He was incredibly surprised the person he feared most of all so far hadn't even rose her voice in protest against him. However, Locket was far too dumbfounded by Sir Kolburn's lack of awareness that even he couldn't contend with. [color=springgreen]"Just by hearing you speak of it, S-Sir, makes me feel a bit better. Maybe you just have some kinda... spiritualistic nature'a somethin'? Makes me feel unworthy of eatin' such a thing."[/color] Suggested the young knight, as he felt a lot more at ease than before. [color=springgreen][i]'So far, things are good... I'll admit she's not trying to strangle me, so I must be doing somethin' right... Maybe I should try my luck...?'[/i][/color] He mentally slapped himself for that. [color=springgreen][i]'Nope! That is WRONG! Remember, she can and WILL chop my nuts off! Do not engage in-... oh, fuck it.'[/i][/color] [color=springgreen]"S-say, uhh, S-Sir...? I must admit, I-I never quite got... I mean, w-well, that is to say... Ugh, this isn't like me..."[/color] Every fiber of common sense Locket actually had told him not to go through with it. Buuuuut unfortunately for him, he had a tendency to not listen. A lot. [color=springgreen]"Erm, well, I'll just p-put it bluntly... Uhh... You're... a lot cuter up close than I thought... Th-that is to say you didn't look cute before, but I was just a bit of an idiot to not realize it, y-yeah? L-l-like I didn't mean to offend or anything and I'm sorry if I did since you're totally a badass but I just thought to speak what was on my mind aaaaaaaaaaaand I'll stop talking now."[/color] Well if this didn't do it, then Locket figured nothing would. At the very least, knowing how everyone ticked was a fun little past time of his. Through his... [i]unique[/i] methods, Locket had gained a lot of insight into the hearts and minds of his fellow Knights, learning through casual conversation and excessive flirting. Sir Kolburn would be a nigh impossible obstacle in Locket's advance to the Aura Stone, unless he chose to learn about her... [color=9966cc]"Um...huh?"[/color] said Kolburn, stopping in her tracks yet again to the love confession being held. This was a love confession, right? Yes, yes, it sounded like a love confession. There was no anger or outrage in Kolburn's gaze as she slowly turned to stare down at Locket. Her grip did not tighten or lessen upon his wrist, so that was a good sign. Maybe? Perhaps. [color=9966cc]"I see. Well, I can't say for sure if I feel the same way. Of course I'm cute. By the fact that you flirt with all the women you interact with, why wouldn't I think you'd feel the same for me? Although, that comment about my intelligence didn't go unheard Knight,"[/color] she added, tightening her hold just a little. [color=9966cc]"So I'm cute but I'm not bright, huh? Just another pretty face for you Locket?"[/color] [color=springgreen][i]'Oooooooooooooooh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...'[/i][/color] This wasn't the drawn-out 'no' of someone who was being sarcastic. More like someone who may have just lost their will to live. [color=springgreen][i]'No, Locket, you can fix this. It hurts a bit more but you're not dead; you must've had some kind of effect! Sir Kolburn, I think I misjudged you! Though, who blatantly states they themselves are cute...?'[/i][/color] [color=springgreen]"N-not at all, Sir! Err, that is to say, you [i]are[/i] cute [i]and[/i] bright, but what I should've said was th-that you're not the best at understandin' peeps. Like, lots'a people have different strengths and weaknesses; where ya don't shine so much socially, you make up for tonnes in fighting! Like, I-I don't know anythin' much academically, but I can kinda fight n' stuff and talk't people. Not all your stars in the sky shine the brightest, but you can't excuse those which are and which will be. That's what... an old friend o' mine once said!"[/color] In truth it was actually his sister, however Locket didn't want bad memories to resurface. [color=springgreen]"Just 'cause I say you're cute doesn't mean you're like every other girl. You're unique, everyone is! N-not another pretty face, Sir, but [i]your[/i] pretty face; Sir Kolburn's pretty face."[/color] He beamed a stupid grin on his face as he spoke, a sign of his growing confidence and comfort in Kolburn's presence. Even if it felt his wrist was in a vice grip. [color=9966cc]"You don't know social skills to cut someone in half Locket,"[/color] the woman said dryly, her grip not loosening at all. Only when Locket had finished his spiel did she even think about how she was crushing his hand like a rotten piece of fruit. She promptly released pressure, lest she be carrying around a corpse with her. [color=9966cc]"Very well then. You've saved yourself a swift punishment Locket, though you would do wise in making sure to choose your words correctly. After all, I lack social skills, remember?"[/color] Kolburn said, mocking the very words the Knight had said unto her. [color=9966cc]"Now then, something tells me you've suddenly required a boost of strength. A heroic wind of sorts. Or were you lying to me about your illness as well?"[/color] [color=springgreen][i]'Erm...'[/i][/color] [color=springgreen]"Ah, w-well, I guess your presence perked me up! Aha..."[/color] Locket nervously scratched the back of his head, his gaze turned to the right as he shook his now free hand loosely to rid it of the pain. [color=springgreen]"You don't gotta escort me much further if you don't wanna, Sir. I know you likely have more important things to do or think about than cater to my needs."[/color] [hr] [center][@Delta44][/center]