[Hider= Kristups Grawert WIP CS] [b]Name[/b]: Kristups Grawert [b]Rank[/b]: Colonel [b]Age[/b]: 44 [b]Gender[/b]:M [b]Nationality[/b]: German [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://puu.sh/t0NAG/30dbf7c772.jpg[/img] [b]Favored Weapon(s)[/b]: (Wehrmacht) MP40, FN M1922. [b]Skills and Talents[/b]: -Close range specialist -Discrete information broker -Commando (Survived behind enemy lines) -Decent cook (Well the kitchen won’t set fire anyway) -Peircing Step (Takes a while to learn how to properly march) -Baritone vocalist [b]Squad Role[/b]:Stormtrooper [b]History[/b]: [Youth] Born in Konigsburg, Kristups lived his life in military tradition with a family that followed suit of their past. Proud of his Prussian heritage and willing to fight for the Kaiser of Germany he trained from youth to participate in war before joining the first world war in 1917 to join the fight in the east. Having lived to watch his fatherland beat back the Russians out of East Prussia he was filled with fervor that would last until the last few months of the war where he would crumble to defeat as Germany declared that it could no longer fight onward, leaving a bitter mark in the young man’s life. [Devestation – 1920s-1930s] Despite living in the conditions of a lost Second Reich Kristups kept faith in the idea that Germany could restore itself but with the Polish taking what he believed to be rightfully Prussian he could only feel disgust as even Danzig was claimed for the “filthy Polish.” Being surrounded by the remnants of Prussian territory he wept with his father who was devestated by such a loss. With the country in a state of eternal debt Kristups did the only thing he could and that was hope and help those who he could, but even he put his family and their needs first over other families. [Adolf The Great - early 1930s] While uncertain of Hitler at first, the recovery to the economy and the spark in hope across all of Germany lead to a spread of passion within the state. Nationalism left over from the previous war exploded and with time brought joy to his heart as well. Love for the new leader grew and spiked after the recapture of old Prussian territories and with the Polish eliminated spirits were high. [Nazi Regime – early 1940s] With the success of German military the experienced stormtrooper and quickly rising officer (due to deaths about and his own merits) began to notice the inhumanities of the Reich when he took a trip to Auschwitz to see what the mess was for himself. Since that day he paid mind to the politics in Germany and became more worrisome. Unable to do anything about the camps himself he moved to focus on the war in the west before being shocked with the realization of war with the Soviet Union in 1940. When 1941 hit, the Prussian began to pray that the Reich would not fall again. He believed the resources should be better spent controlling the United Kingdom, but war with the Soviets did not worry him at first until Stalingrad. [1944] With his many years in service and his rank as colonel the man stands as a decorated Wehrmacht officer that has worked in intelligence since 1940 and has made plans to overthrow the Austrian in charge since 1943. Knowing that the Reich faces invasion from both sides the hope that some intelligence can be restored to the powers above dangles so violently above him. If Hitler is allowed to hold onto the Third Reich then the possibility of defeat is not only possible but inevitable. At the very least, the hope is that the war can end with Germany restored to the territory of the Second Reich if not more. [b]Personality[/b]: Rather serious but friendly with fellow officers and soldiers. He is a military fanatic that adores the strength of Germany’s military. He is quite informative at times but is usually blunt and honest. He is often calm and collected in the thick of combat and enjoys a cigarette with beer both on and off the battlefield but the beer is usually kept to just public drinking areas. [b]Other Info[/b]: N/A [/hider] The current version awaiting approval. I will likely add more for flavor later. The role can also change due to his amount of experience in different fields but combat wise he was a Sturmtrupp.