Hello everyone! This is my first interest check. I am very new to the roleplayerguild but not so new at writing and roleplay in general. I had a very nice idea for a Chinese pirate/Oriental pirate setting in a strictly fantasy world. My name is Grin on the website and I am 18 years old. That seems so young compared to some of the ages who post with the mature tag but I would consider myself a very mature and reasonable person. I'm also craving a romance adventure story so I thought I'd post this here! Without further ado here's the plot: [hider=Plot] Raven is the captain of the ship blackwing. She is as beautiful as she is mysterious, taking her oriental crew to places all over the world to uncover secrets and untold treasures. As a new rendition to the crew you are hired on board, but not without an initiation! It was rumored to sharp ears that blackwing can make any poor man rich with wonder, at the cost of your sworn allegiance to Raven herself. The alluring captain has an endgame of her own, however, and her past is bloodied and forgotten. What will the new crew member do, climb the ranks from Swabbie to Quartermaster? Or do they have a goal of their own they will see through? And will Raven uncover her dark past? ~*~ So you as a RPer will create your own character to be a new and very important part of Raven’s crew. You can choose between a human, elf, or other humanoid so long as they look specifically human. No orcs. This can bloom into a romance, or into some action horror adventure or whatever you choose! Romancing Raven won’t be easy though. All the more fun though, hmm? [/hider] Raven was originally my first D&D character (from version 3.5, mind you) so I hold her in a very close place in my heart. I'm remaking her for the sake of this RP. Here are my preferences and rules: [hider=Preferences] Preferences: 1.) A writer who can change between witty and serious. It’s nice to have a mixture of both. 2.) To write in Google Docs. Honestly PMing here wouldn’t be bad at all I just...feel safer writing in google documents. 3.) A man. Or at least a male character. I will take female characters under very little circumstance but I am open to the possibility of a lesbian relationship. I would really want a man for the RP though. 4.) Sexuality. I would like it if eventually we get into more mature scenes. This makes things more interesting for me. 5.) Now I know I just put down number 4 but keep in mind I would like it to slowly approach mature content in terms of sexual things. It wouldn’t feel right if the characters just did it on the poop deck without any reason to! (haha, I humor myself) [/hider] [hider=Rules] 1.) 3rd person only. I cannot stress this enough. It’s much more immersive this way. 2.) You must post at least once a day unless told to me in a PM otherwise. I tend to lose passion when I’m kept waiting for long periods of time. Nothing personal, just who I am. 3.) No overpowered characters. It’s good to keep things simple and giving characters plenty of weaknesses makes them vulnerable, and that is way more interesting in my opinion. (Doesn’t mean they can’t be strong, just not world changing please. [i](We can discuss more in PM about it if you like.)[/i] 4.) No one line posts. Self explanatory. 5.) Have fun! Of course. This IS made for enjoyment, after all! Be kind to me though because I am fairly new to RP etiquette so I may require some patience. [/hider] If you have any more ideas feel free to PM me or reply here for questions. Carry on and have a wonderful day! :)