Skye was impressed with the man's strength, managing to take a rider off of his own horse as he rode past. It brought a small amount of happiness to her that she wasn't just walking with a useless person who could barely defend themselves from a fly. Skye suddenly dropped her bow and held her hands to her ears when whatever the man was holding began to crack [i]very[/i] loudly. [i]What is that!?[/i] she thought, her ears ringing. The bandits appeared quite fearful of the weapon that the armoured man was holding, however Skye found out the hard way that not all of them were so dumb as to stare at it. The bandits all had their hands up, in surrender, and one of them quickly answered the armoured man's question. "A-Avalon," he said, his voice fearful. The young woman was just starting to recover when a bandit seized the opportunity. He certainly did not like the fact that Skye had shot arrows and drawn the blood of one of his friends, and so was inclined to return the favour. Skye was barely able to avoid the sudden lunge of the bandit, with his dagger out like it was some kind of spear. It stabbed into her side briefly, causing her cry out. Her hand reached down to the sheath of her own dagger, and threw it, making it embed in his chest. The other bandits watched, hoping they didn't get shot, as both Skye and the bandit collapsed to the ground.