[b]Kevin: - UNF - Terra[/b] Kevin stood through the short briefing and looked at the file he had been given. While still formulating ideas of the possibilities of the man they had to transport, questions were being thrown out. All the questions Kevin would like to ask were already being asked and as such he kept his thoughts to himself and his ears open. It is good to hear the concerns of the team members since it would give him an idea o experience with command and who to go to in the future for questions on formalities and specifics after mission briefings. After a few moments of consideration, he realized that the team did not have a formal means of communicating to each other and for a moment considered if it was even important since the channels would likely be open. "Most of my concerns have been voiced already but there are a couple of items I want to have set in stone. Firstly, are we going to have a formal means of communicating that we have picked up the individual and package? I would like to know as soon as possible who to watch over as we transport the individual and package. Secondly, will there be a secondary rendezvous point in the case that we become separated and have to regroup?" Where Kevin expected somewhat simple answers and to possibly be sternly talked to for asking basic questions, they were important in his mind since simple matters are often overlooked in operations. Learned that the hard way on building his mech and unlike at the junkyard, there is no time for mistakes.