[@DepressedSoviet] A few quick questions: which side are the Chinese on, and who currently has control of China, if the government is exiled? It looks like it was taken by Japan, so that would put the Chinese against the Japanese, and so likely an ally of the Allies? I need to work with you to figure out how much specialized knowledge Alys has for things, though that should go in PM. What is the longest that Alys might possibly have worked with the organization for? How long ago did Victor vanish? Also what's this about offices? It seems we're in a manor, but we do not live there? I'm going to make the conjecture that labs and the like are present, given that we do need to do research as well. I'm also going to build off of cues from Tsar and guess that security is rather tight. ...and I know just how to bother Alys because of it, too. EDIT: Ooh, that's a thought. What does everyone's character prefer to be called? Alys would introduce herself as Alyssana Grey at first meeting, adding Professor if relevant. To the general public she'd answer to Miss/Ms Grey, but in all academic, scientific, and research settings she would insist on Professor, instead of Miss/Ms. Alyssana is a bit more familiar, and that or Professor Alyssana would be indicate an association that has endured for at least a small length of time. Students no longer in her classes but with whom she maintains friendly contact would use Professor Alyssana. There is some flexibility between first and last name, in most cases. However, she would not invite the nickname of Alys unless she was very familiar with someone and felt a significant degree of camaraderie, though that's not to say no one tries to use it. She almost certainly corrects them. [@Avanhelsing], I get the feeling that Alys and Jack get along fairly well. I doubt she would overlook him; that's not really her style. And given that he's used to being underestimated, I think they might have something in common there. Add his capability as a fighter and his archaeological bent, and I think there is at least the start of a friendship there, depending on how long they've known each other as well as other factors. I'm guessing he goes by Jack, and given that this is WW2 era I think society's rules have relaxed enough that she might call him that. [@Leotamer] Alex is an interesting one. I suspect Alys would be friendly, but since he seems to push others away I'm going to say she calls him either Alexander or Mr. Walsh, with considerable consideration given to his preference. She would probably not call him Alex, unless specifically invited (and possibly not even then). It is /possible/ she knew his father if they were at the organization simultaneously. No idea how well. [@Tsar Gatto] Tamiko...hm. A friendly woman, at least on the outside, but I think Alys is off-put a bit by the socialite aspect of her personality. ...The whole taking advantage of men's interest likely rubs her the wrong way as well, if Tamiko does it a great deal. I don't think they are on poor terms, but neither do I think they are on particularly good ones. Alys's instincts would say Miss/Ms Kitamura, unless Tamiko has made a particular request for her given name to be used. [@FantasyChic] Georgina Cadwell doesn't seem like she'd be particularly close to Alys, but certainly the latter would respect another bold woman with a razor wit. Alys would most likely use whatever form of address Georgina prefers, unless it was overly familiar (possibly a shorter form of her name, but no separate nicknames). [@SkullsandSlippers] Imogen is Alys's age, the only one on the team who is. She doesn't seem to come off particularly strong, but neither does she seem the sort Alys would dislike. So most likely a neutral relationship. She'd likely use whatever address Imogen prefers, with the same stipulation as for Georgina. She probably lets all of them call her Alyssana, but she will correct Miss/Ms to Professor if it is used. I'll need to discuss Sven with you, Soviet, because her relationship with him will depend significantly upon him, as he is an authority figure with the intelligence to back it up in her opinion.