Callie followed Caius, hesitating a moment before following him into the clsoed store, she glanced about them, taking in the resturant, and the man that was there to great them. From the way he greated Caius, it was clear that there was something here, a familiarity, and for a moment she felt like it was almost like being taken home to see the parents. Shifting slightly, Callie held an arm by her side, sliding her other arm across her body to hold it, but that was the only display of nerves that she showed, as she stared back at the man when he leaned close to her. His words caused her to flush, but she didn't look away. Knowing her charms didn't go off, she already knew that the man was human, which just made her more curious. Smitten...She drew in a slow breath. Yes, she knew she was. A slight crease of her brows, as she thought for a breif second, that slight feeling of falling seeming to come in stark focus at the conversation. As the man confirmed he wasn't human, she did shake her had. [color=fff200]"No offense, Sir, but you can't know of the Supernatural and not be apart of it. You belong in it, just as much as either of us"[/color]. Callie knew of humans who had infiltrated the supernatural world-sometimes it was just as companions, people that could help, othertimes it was a more...straight route. Being bitten, by a vamp or werewolf. She shifted, and gave a slight smile, [color=fff200]"the mere fact that you know these are charms-"[/color] She said, shaking her wrist slightly, reassured by the jingle and the weight, [color=fff200]"Shows that you are apart of this world"[/color] Although she was a little worried that Silas could tell Caius had imprinted on her-not because she was afraid of people knowing, but afraid what people might do, to use her against Caius. She wasn't niave, she was sure his pack had some enemies. And...she was worried what people might do to Caius, to get to her. Her mind went to the coven, and she barely managed not to grimace. [color=fff200]"But it's a pleasure to meet you, Sir. You have a lovely place here"[/color] She had no idea what to have, and she gave a slight smile, saying [color=fff200]"Oh, why don't you suprise me? I don't have any allegies, and I'm not picky"[/color][@Kyrisse]