As Meintja came up, she saw the battle going on, her step hesitant, studying the scene, before continuing towards Rasa when the girl saw her. Meintja took the situation in again, deciding what to do. She glanced to Rasa, the hopeful look about the girl making Meintja sigh inwardly. She nodded, and stepping in front of Rasa, next to Kaiser, shifted back one foot, shifting her weight evenly, Meintja was ready to spring into action, waiting for Rasa's command. While she could just leap in herself, Rasa might have a different plan of action, and if she was going to be working with the trainer, Meintja knew she had to get use to the girls ability to perceive the fight, and the way the comands would be given-Rasa might be able to analyse the battle better then Meintja. Letting Rasa issue her commands, would allow her to anticipate the trainers wisehs, to the point where, Meintja thought, she could act without a command. For now, with these two pokemon, in an easy battle, it didn't bother Meintja to wait for orders, as she watched both pokemon, flicking a glance toKaiser. She supposed it could have been worse-she could be forced to fight along side the bat-or Grazia as she should call her. But the Bat was better in Meintja's mind. Why put a name to someone you didn't like? That showed respect, and there was no way Meintja was going to respect the certainly questionable Noibat. [color=f7941d]"Well"[/color] She said softly, flicking a glance to Rasa, and back to the two pokemon, [color=f7941d]"What would you have me do?"[/color] her body was poised, ready to leap into action at the slightest provocation. [@TalijaKey][@latos]