[lateposts are late] [center] [color=gold] [h1] Maria von Hohenzollern [img] http://i.imgur.com/mHxQYPc.jpg [/img] [/h1] [/color] [/center] [center] [color=gold] [h2] Royal Capital Lugnica [/h2] [/color] [/center] [@liferusher] [color=gold] “It appears that you are like the others I have met. I have never heard of such locations in my life. Perhaps you are from a land I know not about?” [/color] Maria said to the lost girl. It was clear there was an influx of people who “didn’t belong in Lugnica”, but from where she had no clue. Her assumption was Slavers, but even if there were slavers that were taking people from other places and trafficking to Lugnica, then she surely would know where these people were coming from within the context of her maps. But this wasn’t the case. Perhaps there was a spell that was altering their memories? That was a possibility, but Maria’s knowledge on mind-altering effects were limited. She wasn’t a practitioner of strange, spiritual arts like a certain catboy who dressed like a catgirl. Her knowledge in wind-based magic was barebones at best. Her father had told her she lacked the mentality to utilize magics. If “trickery” was making sure that your audience [enemy] didn’t know what you were doing, then magic was proving your tricks to your audience [enemy]. However, once the trick is reviled the purpose loses its meaning. But it was still strange. All the others who had arrived did not understand the language of Lugnica aside from their speech, yet this young lady seemed to have an understanding of the language. At the very least she was reading a book with somewhat ease [?], which seemed to be a bit out of place. [color=gold] “The History of the Iron Bell… do you happen to understand what that book is saying? I’ve met a few people who’ve also been displaced recently, and I will have to say that they didn’t understand our language. Do you understand that book?” “Anyway, you said you were hungry. I shall take you to a place one of my knights told me about in the city. It is only a short walk from here, but since you don’t know your way around here I shall guide you.” [/color] [center] [color=MidnightBlue] [h1] Chastity [img] http://i.imgur.com/mfBWCK2.png[/img] [/h1] [/color] [/center] [center] [color=MidnightBlue] [h2] Royal Capital Lugnica [/h2] [/color] [/center] [@Zelosse] [color=9966CC] “Oh, you appear to have my intentions wrongly discovered. I am not so much of a philistine to chain up any work of art. I am merely an “Investor in the arts”. I wish to see the play of your existence. I am not someone who tends to enter the stage unless I truly have to. Cannot say that my stage ability is too great, but like I showed the other day in the event someone is to interest me… well they cannot kill off someone so interesting early, no?” [/color] Perhaps there was some truth in his statements. Juxtaposed by the rather bare building the two were currently within, hardly furnished passed the point of necessity and only within the somewhat dark, drab room were two seats sitting across some sort of desk. Innocuous positions were usually the easiest to uphold. There were little to no reasons anyone would take it upon themselves to enter the building that held the two most wanted men in all of Lugnica right now. It wasn’t like this meeting or this place would have changed in the event that the Bishop and the Swordsman were to have met without being wanted. PErhaps the location would have changed, but there was enough property that the Bishop could use in that event within the confines of the city. Chastity was just a plain man. Someone who supported the arts, but didn’t understand the first step towards their creation. Perhaps, then, one could say he was not a “collector”, but a “viewer” [color=9966CC] “My purpose is to cause disorder in this world through the Divine Mandate of My Fair Lady. To tear down the very fabric of the world and build it anew in her image. And so I facilitate those who would give me a better chance. Your scent… you’ve been touched by the fair lady as well. My nose is never wrong about this sort of thing. You are not too different from me. Your fate and my own are intertwined, but which side of history shall you take up? The side of the establishment, or shall you help me in my quest to build the world anew?” [/color]