[b]Name: [/b] James Marshall [b]Age: [/b] 25 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Description/Picture:[/b] [hider=James Marshall] James is tall, approximately 6’4”, and muscular from years of farm work. With his hay colored hair and pale blue, reminiscent of the glaciers to the north, he can be quite handsome. He usually wears his worn black cowboy hat, old boots, and a thick jacket on top of a threadbare shirt. Normally James’s knife or gun isn’t too far out of reach. [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] James Marshall is an honest man; while he can bit dull at times James has never cheated any one. That was most likely due to his southern raising, which at the worst of times involves a pliable leather belt, but things like that influenced him to act courteous, even in rough times such as these. [b]Background: [/b] James, as well as his brother John Jr., was raised on a farm in rural Texas by his father and his mother. After ten years of a life of relative normalcy the keys fell and ruining the chance of a normal life for decent folk like James. For 15 years James and his father John, senior of course, took care of the homestead and John Jr. who contracted a sickness, which they thought could have been from the initial the family called the keyfall. Throughout the 15 years the disease evolved slowly, making him weaker and perhaps a bit deluded. After a day of a farmer’s work, consisting of feeding horses, mending fences, as well as defenses, and watering the field, James heard a commotion at the house. He rushed to the house, taking the long stairway up two at a time, and busted in the front door as a shot went off. James arrived on the crime to see his father covered crimson with a grim look holding a gun and John Jr., along with his mother, each dead with a large bullet wound. James never figured out if it was a misunderstood moment, like those moments on the T.V., since he walked out the door in his thick carhart and cowboy hat forever leaving his father alone. From there he wandered out stepping into an adventure he never thought he’d have. [b]Strengths: [/b] Honesty, because of the south; decent marksmen, from hunting trips as a boy; and well mannered, due to a belt. [b]Weaknesses/Allergies/Fears: [/b] Honesty; afraid to change into his father; reckless and will rush into rather dangerous situations; James is a simple man; He is also blunt, with the exception of the presence of ladies, then he is polite; sometimes James can be ignorant; He can also be irrational when it comes to certain things, like the endangerment of a woman; James is definitely old fashioned, not in the fedora sense, but the let the men do the work sweetheart sort of way. [b]Gear: [/b] A large backpack, ammo, a few bottles of water, a bolt action rifle, a can of bacon fat, an assortment of pots, as well a quick starter wood and a hunting knife with a flint striker.