[h2][center] - K'Vari, Saint's Chariot - [/center][/h2] Nodding, K'Vari accepted the self-proclaimed Emperor's statement. Unfortunately he had not been able to draw more of a reaction from him, but from what he had seen of the faces in the room, many of Gregori's subcommanders had realized the value of his little contribution. His price would be steep, but they would pay it, knowing what it could deliver to them. And when he had his foot in the door he would begin making the changes he saw fit to make, and removing those who got in his way. When he was done here he would have hoarded every last scrap of value in this place, and made a lot of enemies. When he set out he planned to move with the largest caravan he had acquired yet, laden with goods and trinkets and little technological secrets, a vast treasure hoard which would also provide him with the means to build up a trade empire, one greater in both scope and purpose than these petty little Miniperiums spread across the galaxy like a handful of acorns. But first, to consolidate his position. With a little bow and a wave at his two inhuman bodyguards he set off, marching through the double doors and to the looted Thunderhawk that had brought him on board. Within moments he was off, not bothering to overhear the conversation that would follow his departure as he was already engrossed in matters of intrigue. There were three primary fronts he needed to work on. First, he would need to gain manpower. This could be relatively easily achieved by enslaving the less savoury sorts on Gregori's captured Hive Worlds. While there was no doubt Gregori would notice, as long as he didn't touch the more respectable citizens there was nothing much that could be done about it. K'Vari would simply deny all accusations, and Gregori didn't have the manpower to spare on better policing, not while preparing for such an important invasion. And even if he should step up security, K'Vari could just take people from different worlds. Already this fledgeling little Imperium was running into the problems of their predecessor, spread too thin to properly police each individual planet. Secondly, he would need to cultivate allies. First among them would be the mercenary, whom's loyalty could be bought. Second would be the mysterious Eldar, who would not doubt catch on to K'Vari pretty much instantly. Third would be either the Space Marine Relictors Captain, or the self-centred violent Inquisitor. He couldn't be certain of acquiring their loyalty, but at least one of them would prove pliable in one way or another. Having now arrived on his own ship the Star Breaker, a stolen Space Marine battle barge, he wandered through the halls shouting orders at the wide variety of slaves and meat loyally awaiting his commands. He would set his plans in motion now, and eliminate any resistance even before it could occur. Through a series of highly guarded corridors he marched, passing dozens of his most dangerous creations. Powerful warriors armed with a variety of equally lethal weaponry, ranging from several Bolters to an Eldar Shuriken Canon. This space was completely off-limits, and any who attempted to win entrance by means of force or stealth would find themselves facing nearly impossible odds. The ship itself accepted to vessels other than those personally authorised by K'Vari, an authorisation that was practically impossible to fake. It also used advanced Stryxis anti-auger technology to be practically invisible to sensors, although obvious to the naked eye, making it untargetable for most long-ranged attacks and hard to keep track of. Such and many more security measures guarded what might be the cunning trader's greatest treasure trove of secrets and technology. Those slaves that served him here would live out their lives here, bound by extensive chemical therapy and augmentation to his will, for one in five of the secrets on their lips would have him killed instantly. Opening a large reinforced door and deactivating a multi-layered forcefield with a variety of codes and tests, K'Vari made his way into one of the highly advanced fleshcrafting stations spread throughout this ship. The mysterious arcane science facilities in which his kind forged their own, custom-built warriors. As a Master Fleshcrafter he was one of the greatest Stryxis in the galaxy when it came to this art, and his biowarriors certainly reflected this expertise. But what lay before him was certainly one of his favoured projects, a challenge that he had been engrossed in since the very day he had arrived in this foreign little corner of the Imperium. And now it was done, ready to be deployed as he saw fit. His very greatest, or very worst, gambit. Floating in the green pod, covered in tubes and measurement apparatus, lay the exact likeness of Gregori Amastov, the Emperor of the Imperium Reborn, and K'Vari's most valued trade partner. "Yes, this will most certainly do. My child, when you waken, I will give you a life of glory indeed." With a chuckle K'Vari looked over the biped's body, ready for the final adjustments to be made, hundreds of twisted schemes and plans swimming through his mind.