[center][color=green][h2]Kaiser [s]Van Deathclaw[/s][/h2][/color][/center] [@TalijaKey][@Caits] Again a moment would come when another pokémon joined the fight even if Kaiser was more aware of danger now from the front and hoping that Rasa was watching his back even if it was mearly as an alert. As she loudly announced the arrival of Meintja his focus shifted to the possibly third opponent, however as strange as it was this one seemed to join the battle on his side, for the moment at least. For the moment he would allow the other pokémon the benefit of being at his side, but it was only for as long as she didn't get in his way or help the other pokémon, he couldn't possibly fight all three at once... but if he had no other choice he would try. Given the circumstances didn't look to be as favorable as before, with one pokémon healing the other and him not having that benefit he would need to finish this fight fast before they had the chance to heal further and get the upper hand. With that in mind he gritted his fists, the Squishy thing behind him had said something a out team stuff, but whatever it meant he knew that his opponents was not giving up yet. Thus he charged forward preying on the weak he went for the Zigzagoon, trying to whack it away from the other foe with a kick to separate them.