Will shook Bea's hand gentler than he'd done Roger's, but not because she wasn't a man, just because she looked more the bookish type and not the work with their hands type. "Just Will is fine," he said to her. "No need to worry about mister or anything, won't offend me any." "As you wish, Will," Bea nodded, taking her hand back as Roger spoke with him about why they were there. He seemed to pounder this some before nodding his head. "I can take you to Glasgow and back next week," he said with another little nod of his head. "Had been looking to go soon, but I'll stick around for a friend." [Center]《》《》[/center] She took a few draws of her smoke before replying. "He didn't look at anything before he sent me." She shrugged her shoulder slightly, rolling her eyes. "He's honestly not as good of a mechanic as he said he was. I mean, he's not been terrible so far, I suppose. But I'm pretty sure he's only here because of me." She took another drag of her smoke before going on, "I think he's just used to having underlings that make sure the work gets done. He's just so lazy."