A smirk moved across Gray’s face. She seemed like she was in for the plan but she didn’t quite know what she was getting herself into. “Great. A diamond on a crystal chain it’s bound to grab some attention if it was hanging slightly out of a purse of a rich woman, or she happened to take it off in order to try on another necklace and leaves it sticking out of her purse.” A knock echoed on the door and Gray got up from the bed. Strolling causally to the door he opened it to see a grinning desk clerk holding a blanket out. “Here you are you love birds.” The young man said as Gray took the blanket. “Thanks,” was a simple response from Gray before he practically slammed the door in the guy’s face. Spreading the blanket out he grabbed one of the four pillows from the bed and tossed it on the ground. “Get some sleep Kit, it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” He said with a nod as he pulled his jacket off and yanked his shirt from over his head and fell down on the floor. Within moments he was snoring. ----- The next morning they were out early and Gray dragged her to a clothing store and went from isle to isle grabbing pieces of clothing to turn Kit into a spoiled rich kid, “Come on, it can’t be that bad.” Gray called out after he shoved Kit into the dressing room with an armful of clothes. “Something in there’s got to fit what we’re looking for. Just step out, let me see! You’ve got to sell it.”