Kit sighed heavily knowing she was going to be the one carrying the decoy necklace. She hadn't signed up for this. However the idea of Gray trying to pass as a spoiled rich brat was did make her snicker. She shook her head and curled up on the bed. It was obvious that Gray was going to sleep on the floor tonight. She did laugh though when he slammed the door in the clerk's face. "Smooth ice boy, real smooth." she said shaking her head. ---------------- The next morning was utter confusion and chaos for her. Gray had dragged her to a clothing shop in hopes of making her look the part. She stumbled slightly when he shoved her, armful of clothes, into a dressing room. She tried on a few things before finally settling on a nice almost ice blue dress. "I'm not sure about this Gray." she said stepping out. All they needed to do was add a bit of makeup and she'd be set. She blushed a little but spun in a circle slowly for him. The dress made her look exactly like some rich snob while also making her look really pretty. "D-does it look ok?" she asked after a moment.