[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/PaZzCuD.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][i][color=f26522]Retribution:[/color][/i][/b] Jahosafat chuckled and patted his oldest friend on the back before making his way to the bridge ready to go and make an ever so grand entrance. When he got there he had to stop in his tracks. The Captain was ordering the Gunner to be head of an away team and ordering the pilot to do gunnery work? Well at least that was what he thought he heard since the Gunner was the only one to work the gunnery. So how was that supposed to work and why on... He stopped the thought process. Obviously the captain was not thinking straight, he couldn't blame him; after all the dear Camilla was on board the Vengeance was she not? He must be having pre viewing jitters. It could strike even the most dedicated of men off balance. Of course not him personally, he was turned out in a white suit complete with top hat and matching side arms. The Doctor was always at his best. Seemed it was time to take over in his full capacity, well maybe not yet but at least make a simple suggestion. [color=gray]"Why my dear captain, what an admiral idea. Yet perhaps it would be best if ones like myself and you should be welcoming this particular group of people, less chances of blood shed should it not? At least on their end, we would so hate for our prized cargo to get damaged,"[/color] he said quietly; not making it clear if he was referring to the Reavers on Ice or Camilla on the other ship. Things stopped though once Comms were opened between the ships. (Rest below) [b][i][color=f26522]Vengeance:[/color][/i][/b] Things were as calm as they could be, in other worse they weren't. People were in place and Gideon kept saying this and that to Lionel but it was more of him bitching that he needed more time instead of telling him how Lionel could help. "All else fails, if you hear the call from the Captain, kick this drive over on my mark," Gideon said as he pointed over to what he was talking about. Over on the bridge Anisa stood ready as she waited for the screen to go Visual. Once it did she wasted no time. [color=f26522]"Captain Quinn, long time, granted not long enough. Seems we gots ourselves a little conundrum. We're both on the same planet. So, why don't you must mosey your gorham ass off world for a few days and then you can have this little shit stop once we are alls gone."[/color] Camilla wasn't sure what Anisa was up to but she didn't like it. She knew Quinn wasn't going to back down and she bit her bottom lip slightly. Anisa reached out and grabbed Camilla by the arm, pulling her over and into view of the vid before she smiled. [color=f26522]"Oh I plum forgot, you two ain't said hello in a while. Bet you have a lot of catching up to do don't ya? Well, I would hate to put a damper on that but you never know what all could happen in a fire fight."[/color]