[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] Keisuke glanced back at the dining hall once more before shaking his head and turning towards the doors to the elevator as they parted, revealing a cylindrical elevator car for him to step into. The abnormally chromatic sheen thereof caused him to once again question why the place had been designed as it was, but in the end the Enforcer thought of it all as convenience for the sake of those who weren't as inclined towards magecraft. There was also the fact that the entire facility was [i]underground[/i], which may have contributed more towards why their base was designed as such, but in the end it was all just more idle thinking to occupy himself. Kicking such ideas out of his mind, Keisuke entered the elevator and pressed the button to head to the bottom floor. The others, unprofessional as a few of them were (Servants included), could catch up with them in short order. They'd have to; orders were orders, after all. Atalanta's queries were the only thing that broke the silence of the ride down, and her Master was quick to give her a response. [i]"Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the Wizard Marshal... User and master of the Second Magic and a Dead Apostle allied with humanity. To say his influence would reach across the world would be an understatement. So for him to call upon so many people to handle the issue at hand, whatever it is... The scale is likely nothing to scoff at."[/i] As he completed the thought, the doors to the elevator split open once more, leading into a hallway with a rather large set of doors with a series of magic sigils emblazoned on them. In front of them, though, stood a [url=http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/2091202]lone priest[/url], eyes trained on the Enforcer as the latter walked out of the elevator. [b]"Welcome. I've been expecting you; the final preparations for this device are currently underway, so I have been tasked with greeting all the Masters as they arrive,"[/b] the priest said, a slight smirk on his face. [b]"My name is Kotomine Kirei, and I am the Church's Overseer for this mission. It is a pleasure to meet you."[/b] Keisuke felt a shiver run down his spine as the man greeted him, but showed no sign of it at he shook hands with Kirei before standing off to the side. [i]"Atalanta, please tell me I'm not the only one whose instinct is telling them something feels wrong here."[/i] [hr] [h2][center]Sakata Kintoki[/center][/h2] Gripping his opponent's arm with vigor, Kintoki smiled and nodded as he counted down to one out loud before beginning the match. Compared to the Berserker beforehand, the Saber attempting to match him this time had considerably less strength. Showing any amount of holding back (at least until the point where the table would break) was disrespectful, though, and so the golden Berserker steadily moved to topple his opponent. It took less time than it did with Sinfjotli, all things considered, but he had to give respect to the old man for trying. "Sorry, but it's my win again. Still, good match, everyone!" he said, a smile on his face as he extended his arm to shake hands with the Rider in front of him. "Alright! What's next on the list of things to try?" Just ending the whole thing with arm-wrestling was kind of boring... Actually, no, it was REALLY boring. Maybe it'd be fine if they did one more thing before they left for work...? Possibly?