[center][h2][color=f49ac2]Zin Parallex[/color][/h2] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gNeM6Sr.gif[/IMG] [@Lunarlors34][@Claw2k11][@Lucius Cypher][/center] As the dragon woman bit into the earth magician's shoulder in an attempt to hurt her, Zin's teeth met something hard. Zin's teeth were deep in some rocks that Vesta used as armor to stop Zin from hurting her, the dragon used all the strength in her jaws to bite down through the makeshift rock armor, then the unexpected happened. Vesta suddenly scruffed Zin, acting on instinct, the dragon woman went limp dangling from Vesta's granite coated hands, as she swung back in forth from Vesta's hands almost lifelessly the thought went through Zin's head "[color=f49ac2][i]How did she know to do that?[/i][/color]" But just as quickly as zin was surprised was as fast as Vesta threw the dragon woman over her shoulder. While she flew over the silver-haired Celestia's shoulder and flew almost on the same level as a dragon, or at least a dragon that could glide at the very least. Before Zin could slam face first into the pit, Vesta wanted to chuck her into Zin blew fire from her nose and mouth, she used the flame's momentum to throw herself backwards and right back onto Vesta's back. The second Zin landed on Vesta's back once again, she began groping Vesta once again, in front of Vivi and the two orcs not caring if they watched them."[color=f49ac2]You cannot defeat me that easily Vesta![/color]" She yelled as her hands roamed inside of her shirt and trowers this time.