[center] [b]Route 9[/b] [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki] [@floodtalon] [/center] The Dewpider looked at the strange Froakie in confusion after it's little statement, creating an awkward silence until York nonchalantly interrupted. While Dewpider was in confusion, Froakie none too happy about it's theft, York was completely oblivious as he was busy reading Dewpider's pokedex entry. Breaking it's little staring contest with the Froakie, the water bubble pokemon blinked in surpise at York's gesture, clearly not expecting to just be [i]given[/i] food, being the one who ususally takes it. After staring at York for a moment to inspect him, it looked at the plate of food before moving in a little closer to begin eating it. Or at least it tried to until Red turned around and said something else. For a moment, it seemed as if it was going to go back to being a staring contest but after a long pause, the Dewpider moved a little towards Ren before smashing it's water-bubbled head into his own causing the froakie to tumble backwards and fall to the ground. Whether it thought Ren's food was better, or was just simply picking a fight, The Dewpider then went back to eating off Froakie's plate, but not before flashing Ren a smug like look. With the Dewpider seemingly intent on taking what is Ren's, it doesn't seem like these two will be getting along anytime soon. [hr] The Sandshrew tried to make a break for it but Talonite and Gastly were ready for it and trapped it with a quick Mean Look. With the Sandshrew trapped and the Gastly moving in for a follow up, the sandshrew went on the defensive and curled into a ball, raising it's defense, minimizing the damage. Once the Gastly's attack let up, the mouse pokemon countered with Poison Sting, only for it to do hardly any damage. Suffice to say, the little sandshrew wasn't snickering anymore.