There's no villain really planned because I'm not sure if there is anyone who could truly be called a "good guy" in this setting. I'm thinking it would likely lean towards adventure- romance is in theory possible, but I wouldn't go into the RP expecting a rom-com. Character skeleton would probably just be asking the fairly basic stuff: character name, gender, species, history, appearance, that sort of thing. Not going to bother asking about orientation since I feel that having people list that would only push the RP towards being a romantic one, and romance is an element I think should be a sidenote at most for this. If orientation is important, it'll come up during the RP. As for starting gear, no magic items at all, and aim for lower quality gear. Stuff can and will be upgraded and replaced, and I would rather it be the characters who are powerful, not their weapons and armour. After all, if all your power is in your weapon, then you'd have a lot harder time with a scene where it gets shattered and you have to find a replacement weapon. If you're just plain really good at fighting with staffs, then you just grab a broom, break the head off and go to town on your enemy. I've got a character in mind that I would play, really leaning towards the heavy melee bruiser style.