*Flies in through an open window* Caw, caw! I've been watching you guys like an hawk since the very start. I'm glad I helped a little with conceiving the plans for this RP. I hope it's doing fine? If things are slowing down, it should be normal. As long as you get to post once a week, I think it's good enough. I don't mind joining if it could help the RP. I'd hate to see something I contributed to go to ruin. My idea is a race of isolationist Grey aliens obsessed with science, technology and experimentation. Impossibly old, they are brought to the level of the other races by over-dependence on technology to procreate, and mixed in with genetic failure from over-splicing. They have only recently been recovering, but have never stopped abducting members of other races. Speaking of abduction, they are advanced in stealth and propulsion technology, non-lethal weapons, espionage and the technologies required to capture and study sentient races. But they have no military in the conventional sense, only border guards consisting of the descendants of abductees whose first generation are conceived via in-vitro fertilisation and artificial wombs. They have numerous science ships for various purposes (including obtaining 'specimens') that could be pooled together into a battle fleet, but that's not their main purpose and they will be weak in direct confrontation. So I'm thinking that my little Grey aliens can be a wild-card race. They won't attempt to make contact, they'll randomly take anywhere between individuals on shuttles to a whole town on a capital planet, and they will do radical things that fit their agenda of adhering to the 'Great Plan' - Which might involve anything as benevolent as dropping packages the size of skyscrapers to aid a suffering alien colony to something as nefarious as throwing a plague bomb on a sprawling military base but it doesn't have to be a life-and-death thing. They have regained a special interest in human beings, as they are central to their 'Great Plan'. They have millions of them stored in underground vaults, after all. EDIT: So basically, they're also going to do a lot of weird things. Their space is going to be like a 3D Bermuda Triangle, there's probably going to be some ghost ships floating around and anomalies from scientific experimentation can be found here and there. Oh, and did I mention that some of the specimens they've collected are from millennia ago? If nothing else, you guys are going to get a lot of alien sightings in space, though I'm not sure how weird that would be when the various spacefaring species already knows they're not alone.