[center][h3]Route 9[/h3] Bear Problem [@Amaterasu][@TalijaKey][@itano123][@I-Am-X][/center] As soon as the ball Danilo had thrown was about to impact into his target, another Eevee swept in front and swatted the ball back to him. There were too many Pokemon present to get a clean throw, with the Fairy Wind coming out from Ruby's Sylveon, which ended up aiding the Eevees as they made their getaway, as this also buffeted the Ursaring while billowing the Eevees along. Luckily it did prevent the bench from doing more damage than it could have, softening it's impact. As soon as that had transpired, they watched as the Eevees disappeared into the bushes with Lucy went after them. It looks like they can relax for a moment now because the Ursaring was suddenly no longer preoccupied with them as Pokemon Rangers had shown up. [i]"You kids are the ones who fought the Ursaring. Awfully brave, but we'll take it from here"[/i], and with that they went to work. They can continue their journey, but it seems Lucy had run off after the Eevees, while Danilo seemed intent and getting one of them, and was likely going to go after them. On Lucy's end, she managed to follow the Eevees a fair while, but if not for her Elekid, they would not have tracked them to a tiny cave. It was more like a crack in the side of a small cliff, but according to Zap, the Eevees lived in there. They would step out to investigate, but a rowdy looking Eevee stepped out to confront them, like they were intruding on a country's border. It made a few grunts and growls, which Zap understood roughly as, [i]"Leave, let us live here in peace"[/i] [hr] [center][h3]York Grevillia Route 9[/h3] [@floodtalon] GM: [@I-Am-X][/center] [color=steelblue]"Hmmmm, now let's see... How did I check it's cry again?"[/color], he wasn't paying attention to the scene between his Froakie and the Dewpider. As soon as he managed to find the option and hit the audio queue, at the very same time the Dewpider made a cry and struck Ren. Ren would immediately after recovering return the favor with a Quick Attack, and the two with York not noticing, would get into a full-blown battle. It was really less a battle, and more a childish scuffle as both in their language would presumeably be spouting profanities as they beat each other up over a plate of food. [color=steelblue]"Hmmm, now let's see... OOoh there's a habitat thing too. Yes, of course it'd already have Zirconium Lake listed"[/color], eventually the scuffle should end with them both tired, or the Dewpider does something drastic.