[center][b]Name:[/b] Oruin Hisoro [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [img]https://www.rpnation.com/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http%3A%2F%2Fvignette1.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fseaoffools%2Fimages%2F4%2F43%2FKawaii-shy-anime-boy.jpg%2Frevision%2Flatest%3Fcb%3D20140428044820&key=14ba7a57a96e904e626ea060fd1348d523902ae18f13af70bf2db192bfcb9aff[/img] [/center] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Personality:[/b] Timid, a bit shy but willing to step out of his comfort zone if necessary, reliable, confident when it comes to his work [b]Affiliation:[/b] No Mercy Squad, Hunter Task Force -Information Analysis/Information Getter -Is often the one sent for undercover missions since he is less likely to be suspected of being a spy -Is fluent in various languages -Generally smart and able to analyze critical information