[center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Co4d-49UEAIYkPM.jpg[/img] [color=fff200][b]Name:[/b][/color] Mari McCabe [color=fff200][b]Alias:[/b] [/color] Vixen [color=fff200][b]Species:[/b][/color] Human [color=fff200][b]Power/Ability Set:[/b][/color] Vixen has the Tantu Totem, and it gives her the power to tap into the "morphogenetic field" of the Earth. This allows her to mimic the abilities of any animal she can think of, by simply focusing on a specific animal abilities and then drawing it directly from the field. She has been known to mimic a vast array of forest animals. [color=fff200][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Vixen is a kind but has a guarded heart. Due to the events in her childhood she learned how to make any situation work and how to deal with the darker side of humanity. She does not warm up easy to anyone, but once you have her trust you wont lose it unless u betray her. She works well with a team and always works towards achieving the overall goal. [color=fff200][b]Biography:[/b] [/color] Growing up in a small African village, Mari Jiwe McCabe heard the legend of the “Tantu Totem” from her parents. She was the daughter of Reverend Richard Jiwe, the village priest, who was her sole caretaker, as poachers, lead by a man named Kwesi, killed her mother years ago. Reverend Jiwe himself was killed by his half-brother (Mari's uncle) General Maksai. Makasai wanted the Tantu Totem, which had been in Reverend Jiwe's possession. Now orphaned, she fled to America, she set up an identity for herself as Mari McCabe and used her beauty to become a well-known fashion model in New York City. At a young age of 23, Mari used her newfound wealth to travel the world and on a trip back to Africa, she came across her uncle. He still had possession of the Tantu Totem, after outwitting him, she stole it back. Now she has returned to America and is currently testing the abilities of her new gift to its fullest extent. [/center]