[b][u]Dead Space RP idea's[/u][/b] [b][u]Idea 1 - Tau Volantis[/u][/b] Set in 2314, starts one month before the Necromorph outbreak. This gives time to establish characters and then see how they break when the Necromorphs are unleashed >:3 even the kindest people can turn into monsters in such a terrifying situation. Our characters won't directly be involved with any of the named characters, those characters will be replaced with proxies I or other players control themselves. As they won't be main characters, they don't need bio's unless they get used more and more. Only ONE player is allowed the option to play as one of the Extinct fish Aliens found on T.V. Note - None of the Human players will be able to understand you. So, you will need to use gestures and common understandings to help them figure out what you're telling them. If you play an Alien, you have a very difficult task. The race was very advanced with their social and technology progress, so don't have your Alien thinking stuff that makes no sense in the context of their race. [b][u]Idea 2 - Earth[/u][/b] Set in 2514, starts 2 hours before the Moon's arrival, our characters are survivors of the original Necromorph outbreak caused by the Marker. Everyone is on edge, willing to kill anyone that gets in their way if it means survival and safety. If these don't interest you but you still want a Dead Space RP, comment a setting below :) [b][u]Questions and Answers[/u][/b] "Can I play as a Necromorph?" Yes you may, just know that you can and will get killed quite quickly as Necromorphs are hostile to Humans. But, that just means you can play various Necromporphs lol. Note - You cannot play boss monsters as that is just overkill lol. No Nexus for you. "Can I be a Unitologist?" Of course, it's the largest religion in the Dead Space universe [b][u]Expectations[/u][/b] - If you're talking to another players character, tag/mention that person so they see it in notifications. You don't have to respond instantly as soon as you see it, but don't keep the rp halted if you don't intend to be active. Remember, other players can see when you're online if you're not set to invisible :) - Post limits. Do [b]NOT[/b] go off with another player to leave the others behind if they're offline. It's rude and can ruin the rp. There's no post order, but keep it sensible. That means, don't skip a week into the future just because it's convenient for you. - If you want to get into some stress relief moments with another player, take it to PM's or fade to black, as per the rules of the Guild. [b][u]Suits[/u][/b] I've got a huge list of suits appropriate for both idea's. But, for the sake of the interest thread - suits on Tau Volantis like the Legionnaire (Military Suit) don't have Kinesis or Stasis, as they're soldiers. Not engineers/workers.