"Wow, you're taking this in a lot better than I thought." Cutter said, sounding rather relieved. He glanced back at Lance, who was still facing away from the both of them. According to blood pressure and brain scans, he was pissed off as hell. The A.I. sighed. "I'm Cutter. I'm a standard artificial intelligence construct assigned to my partner over there." He gestured over to the mercenary. By now, Lance had begun to begrudgingly follow her lead. Cutter seemed to glide along with him, though Lance remained silent. Once more, silence reigned supreme, and Cutter awkwardly scratched his neck. That is, of course, until Lance finally spoke. "Lance." He introduced himself reluctantly. He seemed to have cooled down somewhat. "Lance Carter. I'm a freelance mercenary. Former United Earth Government Naval Command Marine. Left because the pay wasn't good." It wasn't much, but small talk did help him to cool down. "How much further is this town of yours?"