[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Cf16fPh.png?1[/img] [h3]Route 1 [/h3][/center] [@Caits][@Iatos] The blond pokemon frowned as she saw the fire type approach the trainer, it was unusual in her eyes for the trainer not to call them from the balls, but have them walk up to them. [color=f49ac2]"Hey orange girly, how about you ember that trainer and we skiddle with her money. You are real cutie, you know that? Would love to get to know you." [/color]Yungoos barely spoke this out aloud when Larvitar once more attacked. Aiming to kick her partner away. But just like the larvitar previously used his size difference to avoid her kick so did the Zigzagoon now. Slipping around the ground type and ready to tackle his legs. Yungoos as well focused her tackle on the weaker pokemon on the field. Wanting to take it out and better their odds. Rasa smiled supportively as Charmander asked her for direction. Focusing on what the opponents pokemon were doing instead of what they were saying. [color=6ecff6]"I need you both to..."[/color] And Larvitar went off on his own. Definitely will have to work on that. As she planed actually to have Meintja the faster of the two force the zigzagoon directly to Thore and in a bite. But he went in and that tactic up for change. Perceiving the most obvious tactic of her opponents, Rasa next order went to Meintja.[color=6ecff6] "With scratch try to stop one of them hitting Thore, Meintja!"[/color] Hoping Meintja would successfully cover Thore. Trying to have both of them survive and then go together into a contra.