[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: route 9 [i]Bearfull trouble[/i] Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] At Danilos words about the his hat Francis pecked Dan on the head in a way that clearly said.[i]Idiot dont joke right now.[/i] The redhead winced rubbing his head. It was understandable the pokemon he raised was worried about him. But it appeared he didnt worry only his pokemon partner who landed on his shoulder as if to make sure nothing else would happen to him. [color=lightcoral]"Are you okay Danny? This is too dangerous, Ruby thinks we should retreat until the Pokemon Rangers arrive!"[/color] [color=a187be]"Quite a beautiful idea. We should definitely have some rest soon as well."[/color] Danilo nodded stepping away from the scene and noticing how shaken Ruby appeared to be. He placed a conforming hand on the girl's shoulder trying to help her calm a bit down as they moved further away from the Ursaring. The rangers appearing on the scene and ensuring them they had the situation under control that was great news to Danilos ears. Who felt like a weight dropped off him, realizing how truly lucky he was. His father did warn him that journeying was full of danger and how he should always be careful and with his pokemon. Now he understood how dangerous his father meant. On top this was his first day on the road! How lovely the stories will be that he tells about his journey when the first day was this full of energy. Looking around the people he only then noticed someone missing. [color=a187be]"Where did our Lucy go?"[/color] Francis chipped for his trainer attention and pointed his wing towards the misty therain that was starting to vanish and the road from which the eevees came from. [color=a187be]"Ah, she followed the entertaining trouble maker eevees didnt she?"[/color] Francis chipped with a nod. Danilo was leaning on his staff, finger slightly tapping against the metal, he was forgetting something... [color=a187be]"OH!"[/color] After a few silent moments where he just stood, he exclaimed.[color=a187be] "I have thrown a pokeball at one of them, did I not?"[/color] Francis once more chipped and pointed his wing towards a pokeball in the dirt that got broken. [color=a187be][i]Ah, that didnt work. How unfortunate.[/i][/color] He looked at Ven and Ruby. [color=a187be]"Would you Ven consider to stay with Ruby, maybe set a place to rest after the excitement of the now? I would like to go and see how our Lucy is doing."[/color] He bowed slightly as he finished his words and started to stride away, picking his top hat and placing it on his head. Going down the part, he quite soon strayed off it and went deeper into the woods. Danilo simple strode in one direction he picked admiring the nature around him, wondering if he will see the eevees again. It would be quite lucky if he actually ended up where he intended to go, more likely he would end up somewhere.