From "Raindrop Harem" Part 3 [center] [IMG][/IMG] [hr][hr][b]Name:[/b] Geraden Utley [b]Age:[/b] unknown [b]Year:[/b] 1 [b]Class:[/b] Shapeshifter [b]Specialized Ability:[/b] face mimicry [b]Birthday:[/b] unknown [b]Appearance:[/b] Morning appearance has a dampened pink shoulder-length hair with golden eyes, his afternoon face has white hair with yellow green eyes, and his evening face looks younger with bluish black hair and red eyes. His attacker’s face is blonde with blue eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] vengeful, protects loved ones [b]Hates:[/b] evil doers [b]Flaw:[/b] no idea who he used to be [b]Fears:[/b] not protecting the ones he loves [b]Family:[/b] unknown [b]Secrets:[/b] he used to be hunted, he can't remember his past before the incident [b]History:[/b] Geraden was out with his mother when a friendly criminal came in thirst for blood. His mother was killed from blood loss as they were both strapped down and each of her breasts were cut off and she was raped. After his mother died, Geraden was hit in the face with a steaming hot metal bar over and over again, 'til his face was unrecognizable. The traumatic experience went on for days and he blacked out. It was so traumatic that he forgot everything, including his past. He woke up with the attacker's face right in front of his own and he Shapeshifter into that face. He was saved soon after the criminal escaped and he was placed in a foster home. But then he was hunted by all the men the criminal had tortured and the boy had to live in the streets in fear, thinking that he was the one who did it to them. The boy slowly came into his powers enough that he was able to hide with a different face though only for a short amount of time. This other traumatic experience led Geraden to have three faces every day, only if you get close enough to him will you see his attacker's face. [/center]