[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/H7jxzAR.jpg?1[/img] [h2][color=c4df9b]Kurokono[/color][/h2] [/center] [@Kitsune][@Soragoku][@ZekariVoblis][@Sir Lurksalot][@Letter Bee][@PhoenixRising][@Lucius Cypher][@Seirei No Hai][@Soragoku][@Letter Bee] [color=c4df9b]"Not really, I'm just a mere Ronin on a journey in this capital to study magic, had arrived here from my village yesterday, name's Kurokono~"[/color] Kurokono's replied to Kyojin with a friendly smile, whilst hiding his sadface in the news that they don't sell ramen here. [color=c4df9b][i]Probably invented after this era, sadly... and that guy is huge...![/i][/color] The scene at the bar is surprising better than he thought. He was expecting people with tattoos, menacing eyes, and table flips, but it was way peaceful than he thought. [color=c4df9b][i]Like seriously, even the bartender have this 'I'm a good person' written all over her face.[/i][/color] [color=c4df9b]"One porkchop please ~~"[/color] Kurokono bit on his glass of water, muttering it lazilly. [color=a2d39c]"Other than that, I'm looking for an archer to investigate more on that Slum arsonist, since I aim like a Stormtrooper and swords are a pain in the ass against his magic."[/color] Kurokono realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and made a reference that is a few thousand years ahead, as he quickly corrected himself, [color=c4df9b]"In other words my aiming sucks~ Only a guy like me is so precise ~"[/color] Kurokono continued with his sarcastic and friendly front. [color=c4df9b][i]Still, I wish I would have time travelled to Tattooine, that would be nice to Force Choke people here & there ~~[/i][/color] Just like 99% of the swordsmen from his world, Kurokono is a fan of that **** Wars Trilogy ~ Kurokono noticed someone coming down there, someone with the same time of clothes of the 'modern era'. He choked on his glass of water at the sight of Daisuke. [color=c4df9b][i]Another time traveller here??[/i][/color] He didn't expect to see another one of his kind to appear at a place like this. But now its clear to him that there are two person like him, one is the yellow haired kid, and the other being right inn front of his face. [color=c4df9b]"Never heard of Aya in the slums, if you were to ask me, Mister Daisuke ~"[/color] He casually made a reply as he would overheard their conversations.