[img]https://scontent.fmvd2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/15672923_122360634928858_5110222619396063983_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2be17017c1a40dbf92d32a9adfcd4f3f&oe=592234F9[/img] Name: Kauza Balalaq Age: 26 Race: Redguard Items and gear: -Ebony sword: A gift from his grandfather, the hilt is bathed in gold. Abilities: -Swordmanship: As any Redguard Kauza was taught to fight from an early age. -Alchemy: Kauza has dedicated his entire life to the study of this subject. After all it is what he doea for a living. Job: Potions shop owner. What he sells are mostly health potions or potions againdy deseases. He opens at sun riss and closes around 17:00. He then goes into the wilds to look for ingredients. The shop got quite famous so people from all Skyrim come to buy at a low price. Bio: Kauza was born in a family of alchemists so he was born with this natural abilitly. His youht was full of adventures around Hammerfell but when he was around 20 he started to think about moving to another Province. He ended up in Skyrim as it was the perfect place to find magical ingredients.