Over the years he had learned to express more emotions than happiness and anger with the help of a special scientist on Midgard. Love and understanding had become familiar emotions during his adventures in Midgard, but recently it was sadness that consumed him. He was sad that his brother had been locked away...and now he was sad for his mothers passing, but he kept in mind that he was still a warrior. Yes, he would grieve and feel the pain of her loss, but he was capable of moving on. Thor knew from a young age that Loki was Frigga's favorite son. He never resented either of them for it though. After all, Loki was always thirsty for knowledge while Thor craved battle. Frigga had passed down her immense knowledge to Loki, and Odin passed down battle training to Thor. He knew Friggas death would not settle well with Loki. Hearing that Loki had been let out of prison was the best news he had since his mother's death, and he rushed to see his brother as soon as possible. Sure, Loki had been let out, but guards stood at his brother's door still. Understanding Asgard's unease about letting his brother free so soon after the death of their queen, Thor simply nodded towards the guards and strode past them to stand at the closed door. He knocked on the door, careful to not break it down. "Brother, I hear father has given the order to set you free...come brother, let us walk." He spoke with his booming voice.