[quote=@Shmektheshmuck] Are the vampires race specific? Meaning which of the races can and cannot become vampires. If not then there might be certain traits each race could have, like enhanced strength (humans, dwarves, orcs, trolls), enhanced agility (hobbits, elves), enhanced intelligence (humans, hobbits(?), elves) etc. since "romance" is shown in the genre I'm guessing there's some action going on between the two sides... right? Does the "gray death" kill instantly or is there a time until death? Lastly, according to the plot is the queen a pure blooded vampire, a vampire God or a person turned vampire (WHAT IS RACE SHE). [/quote] Humans are the only race that can be turned. Elves, dwarves, etc. cannot be turned in any kind of way. Each race will have their own set of abilities. However, a select few of each race can acquire the ability of magic (light or dark) depending on their personality (good, evil or neutral.) The romance, I was hoping for controversy for each side yes. The gray takes about a month to take the life of who it inflicts. Those who "survive" it typically are not the same and it is very rare they survive. The symptoms are fever, pale-ash gray skin and visible blue veins. It got the name because of the skin, but basically the blood is in a sense rotting within the victim. She is considered a vampire "Goddess". She was not turned, I was looking into describing her background as she was "born" from molten rock of some kind and was already a vampire. I am still working on hers as she would not show up right away, but to answer she was not turned.