[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/cSvfqoW.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] Roxy seemed particularly excited about the discovery of the Fire Stones, even agreeing with the notion of just keeping them for themselves. Of course, they then both looked at Aiden for a final answer; it wasn't going to work out if Aiden was gonna go rat them out about finding some rare stones. As expected though, he wasn't too excited about the prospect of technically stealing, but let them decide what to actually do. With that discussion over, the prescribed mission was probably over, so the team called it a day and headed back out of the cave. Walking [i]out[/i] was a much nicer experience, the glow of the outside world beckoning them from the depths of the earth. As they took their first step back into the sun, Novis had to squint his eyes for a few seconds before he could even look at anything, though Nier was already bounding around with glee about getting out of the tunnels, the small dog nearly taking out Nov in the process. The team headed over to the excavator they had talked to, and on the way their, Nov quietly shoved the stones into his backpack while keeping the bag they found in the tunnel on hand. Aiden gave one final look to him as if to ask if he really wanted to go about it this way, and Nov gave him a subtle nod just before the scientist turned to the group of teens. The team relayed the information about the mission to the man. The Pokemon they found, and the bag they found. Nov handed it over, giving a slightly disgusted look as he smelled the mess of spoiled food one last time. [color=red]"If you were gonna eat that today... don't do it, man."[/color] [color=red]"So,"[/color] Nov started, leaning back a bit with his hands behind his head. He looked to the side with a bit of a smirk. [color=red]"Now that we dealt with those wild Pokemon of yours, is that it? What's our big reward?"[/color] [center][b]| Excavation Site |[/b][/center]