[@liferusher] [@Letter Bee] [@Noodles] [center][h2][color=tomato]Ezekiel "Ease" Evans [/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jfirhxO.png[/img][/center] All Yoshi did was pick out 10 coins from the bag and leave the rest in the bag. The rest she obviously didn't want. Well, more so, she didn't want to take away the rest from Ease. He gave a quick smile and shrug as he poured out another 5 coins for her while taking the bag back for himself. [color=tomato]"In hindsight, I probably shoulda seen that one coming huh?"[/color] Putting the bag back on his person, he turned towards another waking voice-the younger person, Daisuke. Like Blanc, his stomach growled too, except it wasn't met by the same disgust like her by other patrons. Though the fact that one of said patrons just broke a fruit stand with his back probably had something to do with it. That and him being human as opposed to an elf. Then he brought up something that actually caught Ease's interest-Aya. Yeah...They still need to make an effort on finding her. God, with all the other crap going on, he forgot. Heck, Yoshi already seemed to have forgotten about her too. [color=tomato]"Oh, she's the girl everyone was searching for last night. Ya know, that one in the maid outfit that was speaking weird."[/color] Considering how hectic everything was, he couldn't really blame her for forgetting her name. If it wasn't for how important she technically was, he'd have done the same. Ironic how for once his memory was better than someone else's... Sitting on a stool not too far from the others, he sat down. No point in standing anymore and he still felt exhausted as is. Within a moment though, the guy made a notable blunder in his speaking. Stormtroopers...He was kinda iffy on [i]why[/i] he knew that word so it was 50/50 for Ease. It didn't sound very Lugunican...then again, it could also be a crappy mercenary group, no? Ugh, dammit memories. Eeeexcept when the preacher from before decided to completely call him out on it and made mention of Earth. Well, guess that confirms it. An "ugh" escaped his lips as he realized he now had to confirm [i]that[/i] too without blatantly exclaiming Earthen terms like the preacher guy. Hell, he wasn't even shocked anymore. These are, what? The 6th and 7th Earthlings he's encountered in the past 24 hours? He might as well just [i]expect[/i] this at this rate. Still, sure as hell didn't take long for him to get numb to it... More importantly, archers huh? Nope, he sure as hell ain't facing an arsonist cause, despite what TV would make him think, fighting fire with fire is a pretty shitty idea as he's learned. Well, next best thing, huh? But first, more information on what the hell is going on. [color=tomato]"An arsonist? Isn't too surprising from the slums, but damn seems a bit serious, huh?"[/color] He asked towards the eyepatched man, leaning back on his chair.