I do really like Oh! Holy! as well... Holy's is kinda being a little too impulsive and agreeing to the deal with the toilet reaper... I like a lot of the popular stuff such as Noblesse, The Gamer, and Tower of God. I have soooo many I am subscribed to whether in the featured or discover. I don't know whether other people can see what they are subscribed to or I would send you a link... let me see if I can copy and paste the list. I was able to paste it, but I would have to erase a whole bunch to put them all here including the discover. I have the same username on Line Webtoon if you want to see if you can see my list. From discover I would highly recommend: Dork Confessions Scarce Clover Here's the SHITuation Traceless Knight Iris A Fool's Deception Lumine <--- !!! suddenly birbs And the like! [@KimmiNinja] List: Behind the GIFs Noblesse Tower of God Safely Endangered As Per Usual Kubera Oh! Holy Bastard MercWorks Average Adventures of an Average Girl Saphie: The One-Eyed Cat Brutally Honest Always Human Siren's Lament Dr. Frost The Gamer Penguin Loves Mev Athena Complex Catharsis unOrdinary UnderPrin DICE Super Secret Sword Interval Faust