[center][color=FFB6C1][h1]Roxanne Hart[/h1][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Route 13, Excavation Site [b]Interacting with:[/b] [@Deos Morran] / Aiden; [@Sen] / Novis [b]GM:[/b] [@MechonRaptor][/center] [hr] With that matter settled, the trio headed out of the cave, satisfaction ringing in the air. Roxy chewed the inside of her cheek as she thought about how she'd make it up to the Rockruff she just caught; surely, she wouldn't be in the greatest of moods. And in fact, she felt some training was in order for the little thing, too. But all that could be settled later, seeing as they were approaching the scientist they'd met earlier. Roxy had to cover her eyes as they adjusted to the bright light outside, with Lucina following suit shortly after. She let out a soft chuckle at the sight of Nier almost barreling Novis over, quietly petting the top of Lucina's head as the group made their way over to Stephen. She noticed the look Aiden gave Nov, confirming that their little heist was a go. She felt sort of bad, seeing as Fire Stones were a pretty great find for any archaeologist. But they deserved some sort of reward, right? The scientist guy was asking them about how it went, drawing a small smile to Roxy's face. [color=lightpink]"It was fun! We took care of all three of them, so they won't be bothering you anymore."[/color] 'Fun' was definitely an understatement; Roxy had a [i]blast.[/i] The whole thing gave her a renewed sense of confidence in the three of them...if they could handle getting jumped like that, then they could handle anything! [color=red]"If you were gonna eat that today... don't do it, man."[/color] Roxy's smile widened into a grin at that remark. Poor guy...his lunch was completely ruined. Roxy glanced at Novis, noticing the small, laid-back smirk on his face. She found that it suited him, somehow. [color=red]"Now that we dealt with those wild Pokemon of yours, is that it? What's our big reward?"[/color] Her grin melded into an expression of surprise; he was asking for a reward even after they'd taken Fire Stones? That was something she hadn't expected.