[color=DarkOrchid]Noibat/Grazia[/color] Noibat's contemplation on her current situation was cut short as some kid came up to her, somehow impressed by how she had kick the tar out of Caterpies. Noibat gave him a rather incredulous, before letting out a sigh of irritation. [color=Darkorchid][i]I'm so not in the mood for this. . .[/i][/color] [color=Darkorchid]"One, I didn't ask stupid questions, and Two, I didn't get excite over somebody beating up Caterpie. Suckers are pitifully weak, and only really have String Shot and Tackle as attacks around here. It's literally nothing to be impressed about.[/color] Rolling her shoulders a bit, Noibat looked the kid over, noting how he smelled of forest and ozone. [color=Darkorchid]"I'm also got Dragon Typing, so don't thing you can get one over on me, Sparky. Try something, and I'll put you flat on your bony behind before you can say 'ow'.[/color] [@CriticalHit]