The atmosphere was tense, but Robert felt as if a heavy load was removed from his shoulders. He wasn't going in combat. Considering his level of education, it was actually quite idiotic of him to think he would be engaged in combat with the best forces the Eu had to offer. Surely, Robert would be capable of simply lying his way into the base, and he was more than happy with the way things were developing. He would be an important member of the team, without having to risk as much. Perfect. Jack, or as the muscular man in the corner referred him, "Jake", seemed to be an excellent leader, but seemed a little... too willing to follow the general's orders. Then again, it was hypocritical of Robert to think like this. When he realized this, he stopped the line of thought quickly, and turned back to the task at hand. [color=a36209]"Thank you for clearing up that misunderstanding, General. I would be honored to be a part of this plan, and I agree with Miss Shiomi in that we should make preparations immediately."[/color] Robert slowly closed his journal, which he had been doodling random numbers and symbols in an attempt to make those watching think he is smart. Robert began to speak once more, this time with a steadier and tired voice. [color=a36209]"If that is all... *Yawn* ...I believe we should begin to prepare. I will leave at your dismissal, General."[/color] Robert smiled slightly, before closing his eyes. He was planning to immediately find his Knightmare and sneak a nap in the cockpit as soon as the meeting was adjourned.