[hider=Ryoshi Hanamaru] [center][h3][color=silver]Ryoshi Hanamaru[/color][/h3] [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-taRRm0zY3wA/UORG2V7eQzI/AAAAAAAAAAU/ps5W5lr2Qjc/s320/Akira.(TNC).600.357461.jpg[/img] [h3][color=silver]"It would do you good to not mess with a shapeshifter whose name means very good hunter."[/color][/h3] [hr] [b]Name[/b]: Ryoshi Hanamaru [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Species[/b]: [u][i]Shapeshifter[/i][/u] [b]Power[/b]: - He can shapeshift into animals, humans and other living beings but he tends to stick with animals unless absolutely needed. - In his normal form, he has above average strength, speed and agility. - Since he manipulates his body to transform, he regenerates non-fatal injuries quite easily. - Through a request from the headmaster, he had gained this [url=https://img-shoplineapp-com.s3.amazonaws.com/media/image_clips/577e2c76617069313e6d0c00/xlarge.jpg?1467886710]amulet in a form of a collar[/url] that lets him transform into a human fully clothed. [b]Subject taught[/b]: Physical Education / Combat Class [b]History[/b]: Ryoshi Hanamaru lived like a normal Japanese male who lived by the countryside. He was a nice person who tended to help other people. He went through all levels of education and became a teacher. However, he knew that he was not normal. His whole family were shapeshifters, obviously, and he had learned how to shapeshift at a young age. Of course, the family had hidden this fact from their neighbors or anyone else really. However, it had become a legend that a family had been protecting the village from other evils and this family was the Hanamaru but no one knew this. They did, in fact, protected the village from other monsters who were more... malicious and aggressive. They fought other spirits and monsters - from the malicious Bakeneko to the more terrifying Yuki Onna. They did their best to protect the village. Why? Well it all started way back into history and they settled down because a small family had rescued one of their family members. They knew that they were shapeshifters after seeing the injured ancestor shapeshift, trying to escape a yokai. But they welcomed them anyway. They were the Ashioka family who ran the village. Ryoshi is close friends with the daughter of the Ashioka family. Anyhow, Ryoshi did his best to protect the village along with his other brothers and sisters. However, at one time, Yamata-no-Orochi had appeared and it took their whole family to hold him down. However, they didn't know how to seal them. From what they thought back then, the yokai was dead. But apparently not. That was when the Headmistress came around and helped them seal the monster. They were indebted to her and Ryoshi swore loyalty to her. That was when she invited him to teach at her Academy. He agreed to it and then left the small village in Japan and headed over to her Academy. Has been there for quite some time now. [b]Any clubs you would be interested in assisting in[/b]: He can adjust to any clubs - just approach him [b]Any requests[/b]: A small area of the plain near the forest that he could grow crops and such. [b]Anything extra that would be pertinent to you working here[/b]: You can find him mostly in animal form. You would know it's him because of the silver color of the animal and the collar around his neck. [/center] [/hider]