[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7di1pMDxK1r3huu1.gif[/img] [i]location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 7 (Rec Center)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia smiled softly when Niesha gave her a gentle kiss and returned it, she watched as Niesha headed into the infirmary as much as she wanted to go in there and help Sophia had no experience with anything other than basic first aid. And she would feel more that she was getting in the way or being a distraction for Niesha and the others in the room. Sophia ran a hand through her wet hair for a moment and decided to head back into the Rec Center for now and see what was going on there. Sophia would meet up with Niesha later, she hoped that everything would work out well of everyone in the Infimary and they would try and get along with one another. Sophia started making her way along the sidewalk and headed back towards the Rec Center to pass the time. When Sophia entered the room she could see Bazhooli and Tatiana both practicing, which was pretty amazing to see Tatiana's dance and then tossing the pins over towards Bazhooli. She couldn't do either of them she was never really the dancer growing up, and Sophia couldn't juggle whenever she tried a ball or whatever object was would hit her on the head or fall onto the floor. [color=6ecff6]"You guys are looking great up there."[/color] Sophia said as she watched Jack and couldn't help but giggle hearing Jack practicing his announcement. [color=6ecff6]"Mind if I watch?"[/color] Sophia asked, she didn't have anything else to do for the most part her girlfriend was out in the infirmary helping out the new group they found today. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=f08080]Meghna Kumar[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcemyfqXob1rwt71l.gif[/img] [I]Location: Building 1 (Infirmary)[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Meghna turned her head when she saw Niesha entering the room, the last time she saw Niesha in the room with Froggy she remembered hearing it not going out that well. Meg turned her gaze towards Ashton for a moment setting up the bowls of liquid food onto one of the counters in the room that was free. [color=f08080]"Is there anything else you'd like me to do or get Ash or Froggy?"[/color] Meghna asked she wasn't sure if her services would be good in the infirmary if they were going to be receiving injured guests. She looked towards Niesha giving the girl a friendly smile and nod. [color=f08080]"You will do fine in here."[/color] Meghna told her. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Raymond Mendoza[/color][/h1] [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/c71af7813f0447841eb1168542fa7ce2/tumblr_n5z7gnNLSl1rcwa0zo2_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Raymond watched as he was slowly pushed out of the makeshift infirmary and down the hallway still his hand held onto Tiffany's just feeling comfort with that he felt better with Tiffany by him. But he was scared of turning and he didn't want her to be the one to kill him, after hearing what Tiffany had told him about her previous love. Despite the pain he was in right now there was nothing else he could really do and just let the others do their best to help him. Then they were outside once more Ray looked towards the gate seeing the people on the other side, and assumed that they were from that Newnan group. Ray groaned loudly as he was put into the bed of the truck, he looked over at Ciel and then the other child laid next to him. Then Tiffany and Astrid climbed into the back of the truck as well,