[centre][h1][b][color=fff200]Niesha[/color][/b][/h1] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/2prbtlc.jpg[/img] building one, the infirmary [/centre] Niesha tensed at Ashton's words, and looked to him, she chose her words careful, and managed to, although she didn't know how, keep her tone neutral. [color=fff200]"I'm well aware of that, Sir. Haven't you ever made a mistake that you wish could just be forgotten?"[/color] She spoke softly, glancing away when her words trailed off. Perhaps this was a mistake. She'd always be known for that night. She closed her eyes a moment, drawing in a slow breath, before looking to the new man. Was this the man that Sophia had mentioned, to help with her hand? Niesha watched him a little curiously, listening to his report. A lost leg...a bite then? Fluids and antibiotics seemed a must there...she bit her lip, wondering if they even had a stock of IV saline solution. Pushing that aside for a moment-and cursing herself for not checking and not making some up before-she continued to listen. Malnutrition...didn't want to overwhelm them too quickly, and it wasn't like they'd have TPN here, fluids would be good for them too. A broken bone was simple, although it could have complications, Niesha knew. Giving a nod to Froggy, she hesitated, wanting to ask how much time she had, but deciding against it, trotting off to gather supplies. Feeling a litle sick at what they had, Niesha made a mental note to try get the medications stocked. It was with a little bit of relief that she saw the Saline bag solutions, and making a mental note to make some up-it would be easy as long as she could pinch some salt. Pushing that aside, she studied what else they had. Grimacing at the low supply of Codine, Niesha debated for a moment about grabbing a dose-half a dose, really, for the kid...and did so, grabbing some of the Willow tree concotion she'd made up earlier, knowing it had both anti-inflammatory and pain numbing properties, she hoped it would do. Making a judgemental call, she grabbed one dose of pencillin and non pencillin based antibitoics, hoping that the one that lost a leg could tell them if he was allergy to pencillin. Thinking it was a little like trying to close the gates after the horse flees, she grabbed a dose of the one a day vitamins as well. Finding what else she thought they might need, Niesha hurried back into the infirmary, setting it all out, in easy reach, where it wouldn't be in the way. [color=fff200]"I couldn't find any bandages-is there something that I can cut up for them?"[/color]