As Jenso eyed the two, Zelriane caught him glancing his way, and shifted his path towards the fiery ki user. His pace was slow, and rather lax, which posed little threat, and showed that Zelriane was oddly content with his surroundings. It was much unlike they way he'd walked when Jenso first saw him, where he had appeared astutely aware of his surroundings, and always on guard. Now, he looked as if he didn't have a care in the world. As he approached Jenso, the details in his mask showed nothing of his actual composure. His hands fell to his sides and he sized Jenso up before offering a slight bow. [color=00a651]"You are the golden boy that Ada spoke of,"[/color] Zelriane stated, gazing into Jenso's eyes, unblinking, [color=00a651]"Yes?"[/color]