[center][h1][color=DodgerBlue]Ciel[/color][/h1] [url=https://postimg.org/image/m5r9kgtfx/][img]https://s14.postimg.org/67ijubz81/giphy.gif[/img][/url][url=https://postimage.org/][/url][/center] [hr][center] Location - Franklin[/center][hr] Ciel's vision had started to swim in dizzying circles as soon as they'd started to move him, so he had to just assume that he'd been placed down when he stopped moving. Though he could barely see even the closest things, he felt that he was being watched by someone. The eleven year old gritted his teeth, knowing that there was nothing that could be done about it. Most of the voices had gone quiet, so he tried to think of who would logically be in the truck with them. The two injured people, maybe one of the women... he hoped Lyon would be coming, though he had no reason to think he would. Lyon and Sana were the only ones he basically knew, and Lyon especially had been kind to Ciel. The boy lay limply in the back of the truck, aware of only the darkness and overbearing silence. Though these were good conditions for catching up on sleep, there was little chance of that, for reasons already touched upon. He had barely moved at all since he'd been laid down in the first place. What little energy he had when he arrived seemed to have been sapped by his vomiting spell. He coughed harshly, taking in weak and labored breaths. Not a good sign. This was possibly the worst time and place in the entire world to have an attack. As much as he felt terrible, he was still fairly intent on not dying. He still hadn't had a chance to prove himself to these people. Then again, he'd never been at all useful to anyone before. Despite this, he'd never quite resigned to being an incompetent liability. He always thought that one day, given the correct circumstances, someone somewhere wouldn't consider him a burden.