[center][color=7ea7d8][h2]~Kyojin~[/h2][/color] [img]http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/Kyojin_zpsrlahupyu.png[/img] [@liferusher][@Noodles][@Sir Lurksalot][@ZekariVoblis][/center] Kyojin gave a small grumble at Kondo when he said he had not left to do it yet, though it was only playful in nature as he understood this was a favor to him not a job he had to do. [color=7ea7d8][b]"Ah well whenever you have the time my friend. No rush. If you need me to help carry things then I am here if you need."[/b][/color] After mentioning this he picked up the mug of orange juice once more to take a large gulp from it, ah how he enjoyed juice and milk. Sure not the most manly thing in the morning but then again with his size he did not have to compensate... or in the case of Kondo just drink it for the hell of it because he could and likely enjoyed the taste a little too much.. Turning his attention back towards the man he heard something that confused him a little, maybe he had not heard of such a thing before but he wondered if this man was from a far off land too. "Ronin? Some kind of warrior title?" Still he was starting to wonder more about why he needed a archer than anything else, even with all the big distractions around.. Straightening his back to his full sitting height he was now peering down towards Evans as he asked the question that he wanted too, well at least that was a bonus but he was noticing a trend. [b][color=7ea7d8]"You are a curious one Even's, always looking into things. You some kind of investigator heh."[/color][/b] He gave off a deep chuckle, but some info was good for the giant, reaching out and grabbing the large mug and taking a huge gulp from it. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Arsonist... Odd I didn't see anything-,"[/color][/b] That was right, something happened the night before with him... [b][color=7ea7d8]"Uh, anyway if you need any heavy lifting for it I would offer my services. That being said about looking for people." [/color][/b]Peering back to Evens he gestured for his attention[color=7ea7d8][b] "You didn't find the girl either? What do you think happened?" [/b][/color]