[center][h2][color=f26522]Orgos[/color][/h2] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4f/b6/50/4fb650bb3bcd706618d085adf188228f.jpg[/img] [@Spriggs27][@Lunarlors34][@Lucius Cypher][/center] A slight look of realization hit him as he thought over what he said and realized that the word tame could be misconstrued for slavery in the situation they currently were and spoke, slightly ashamed of his words [color=a0410d]"Ah, by taming I meant just that, taming a creature as powerful and great as a dragon is viewed as the ultimate challenge for a hunter and tamer of beasts such as myself, I did not mean to say that I would enslave it and I am truly sorry if that came out wrong."[/color] and with that comment, he watched Zin bite onto Vesta's shoulder. For a moment, he thought to intervene just in case the dragon harm the girl, but earth wrapped around the girl and blocked the bite of the dragon. [color=a0410d]"My lady, I came pounding on your gates during this time and interrupted your training bout with the dragon... if anything I should be the one to apologize for my unannounced arrival to your home."[/color] he said, bowing his head curtly before her, just as she grabbed the dragon by the neck and tossed it away, he heard his fellow orc speaking about demon beasts attacking a village and what was best was the orc was looking for capable recruits to help him deal with such a problem. He wanted to volunteer almost instantly as this would most likely make him a well known figure, bringing him just a bit closer to his quest of becoming a knight, however, if he did that, he might not be able to make the proposition to Vesta, so instead, he spoke. [color=a0410d]"My fellow orc, though I am not completely sure, depending on how my meeting with Lady Vesta goes, I may join you in your quest."[/color] By the time he had turned towards Vesta again, the situation had changed quite a bit, the dragon was now groping Vesta and though this was an odd scene, his instincts urged him on to take this dragon on, but he knew better than to intervene into a duel between the two. Just to be sure however, he placed his hand on his hunting knife just in case the situation got out of hand.