[@TemplarKnight07] Ritske was quietly fuming at being ignored by a [i]fucking servitor[/i] of all things, hurried behind the Inquistor, silently impressed by the ship. Hers, the [i]Wandering Spear[/i], was nowhere near as impressive as this gothic beast of a construction, and she was almost certain that the [i]Spear[/i] would be blown out of space if this ship so much as turned a gun in her ship's general direction. She watched as the Inquisitor ahead of her was greeted by another member of the ship and politley waited, before quietly slipping next to him, and subsequently in the room with Alexis. She looked around as well, and knew that she would have to find out what happened her as fast as possible, taking a seat on a box near the wall and lighting up a lho stick as the Inquisitors nattered away to one another. If Alexis wanted to show disrespect to her, she would show it right back. Besides, the other bastard didn't need to hear what she said, and if she was right, she really, really, [i]really[/i] didn't want him hearing what came next.