[hr] [center][h2] [color=00aeef]Pavel Dumitru[/color] [/h2][/center] [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] [u][b]Meanwhile, back at the facility entrance....[/b][/u] Pavel Dumitru entered the island facility, his large malformed black dog trailing obediently after him on his heels, glancing this way and that occasionally growling at the strange surroundings and new smells. It didnt like the tall sterile building they were approaching. The creature wanted to bound off into the woods and find a cool quiet cave somewhere to lie down... The Dumitru magi on the other hand could not have been more delighted. [color=00aeef]"What a place, what a place."[/color] He muttered to himself as he passed the main doors and headed up on through the lobby. [color=00aeef]"I didnt think these Clock Tower Types met in places like this."[/color] Pavel had lived nearly his entire life on the edges of the Magi world, locked away within his slender strip of family land deep within the Romanian hinterlands. A simple but elegant manse surrounded by miles of forest had been his universe untill now. What other houses he had run across had been small mean things, often abandoned, more often run down through simple neglect. Not to say that he was entirely a country bumpkin. Pavel Dumitru had been out and about a few times, when his father or other household members had been on business in the city, or, more rarely, in another country. This though was new to him, and he found himself incredibly self conscious. To meet the Wizard Marshal himself, someone who had been half a myth to him only days before was intimidating to say the least. Pausing before the door that the security personnel had assured him would lead to the room he was looking for, Pavel breifly pulled out a small mirror and checked himself. With a small circular motion of his fingers and a brief muttered incantation a thin ribbon of blue flame flared up around him, briefly playing over his body. When it faded the man looking back at him in the mirror was a few inches taller, more filled out, his suit just a few hundred Leu finer. It couldn't hurt to try and help his first impression along after all. Suppressing a shudder, and sending a tiny extra trickle of prana his Familiars way to ensure the beast behaved, Pavel put his hand on the door and entered.