[Collab between Rex, Arty Fox, and Letter Bee] Pain yelled as the explosion ripped his fake skin from his body. It wasn’t a yell of pain, but surprise at the sudden explosion and flames. When the dust and smoke steeled, the right side of his body was completely torn of the fake skin and revealed his metal skeleton. He looked at his metal hand and snarled and screamed, “You little shit! Do you know how much that skin costs!?” he wasn’t able to act as he violently convulsed from the sudden electricity. His green eye slowly dimmed before he stood motionless. “Pain!” Panic yelled. He rushed over to his brother, but didn’t get far as a crackle of thunder erupted and Drake appeared in front of Panic. His blaze blue sword unsheathed and swinging towards Panics head. Panic, in surprising speed spun around and swung one of his placoid scale daggers towards Drakes sword. The two collided, but Drake’s sword couldn’t match Panic’s weapons. The placoid scale dagger shattered Drake’s sword and sent him flying backwards. Drake skidded on his back before he quickly rolled to his feet. However, he dropped to one of his knees as he felt the pain shoot up his arm. His right had had dropped the broken sword as blood oozed from the open wound in his palm. “You son of a bitch!” Panic screamed before he soared towards Drake and spun like a vortex as he added, “I’ll tear you to shreds!” Drake’s watch glowed and a reddish black skinny cylinder dropped to the ground. He used his good hand to quickly grab the cylinder and take a pill from it. He quickly popped the pill in his mouth and bit down on it. What he was about to do was dangerous. He was going to do something he could only do once. Not once a day, once a week or once a month, but it was something he had done five years ago and it nearly killed him. The blood oozing from his wound continued to ooze, but it started to lift up into the air as the pain in his hand started to get worse. He quickly stood up and pointed his opened palm at Panic and said, “Bloody Sceptile.” The blood suddenly shot from his open wound and morphed into five flying snakes that soared towards Panic and pierced into his body. Panic screamed in pain as the vortex looped around and slammed into the ground. “Damn it!” Drake cursed as he fell to his knees clutching his right wrist. The pain from the wound has intensified to the point it felt like his whole hand was on fire. He did all he could from tearing his skin off the stop the pain. He coughed and blood splatted the ground in front of him as he felt the after effects of the drug. Panic groaned in pain as he lay on the ground, blood oozing from his wounds. He coughed and started to get up, but fell back down as he glared at Drake and the others. A white door appeared under Panic and Pain. The doors opened and the two fell into the doors before they closed and fizzled into white fog. “Oh that was a bad idea,” Drake coughed as he winced when the pain flared up so much tears where started to form. A small trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth as he added, “Really bad idea.” Tocsax came over to Drake, saying: "I can open a portal to Data-Ascot back in the Incubators' labyrinth; have him cast Pain Link on us again while I heal you." He would then, if Drake permitted, cast Regen on the guy. Mac and Cheese had made sure to keep clear of the fight when the calvalry had arrived, or more accuratley Cheese had tugged Mac quickly out of the fight when the ripples of pain travelling down her spine became too much. For Cheese the most annoying thing was she didn't get a chance to turn Panic into a smouldering pile of meat with her spell before Drake arrived. "Who were those two?" Cheese demanded as she approached them. "They were after the Princess and they knew us, even surprised when we didn't know them." "Nearly killed us before you guys showed up." Mac added alongside Cheese. "Because you were being a childish prick who won't use magic!" Cheese rounded on him with her face red with rage. "We. Are. At. War. Out of everyone on this team you are the only one who refuses to acknowledge this. Children get enlisted into armies. People get hurt. Rules get broken and we all have nightmares." "Well I-." Mac began but was quickly cut off by Cheese wrapping her hands around his throat. "No. You listen to me." She spat out each word, grimacing even when she lifted Mac off the ground. "I can't fight because of you being so weak and helpess, and it is driving me crazy. I can only use a loophole so many times Mac before it burns through me. So you had better get your finger out of your arse and start fighting before you get us both killed!" Mac simply gurgled in response. He struggled in her grip whilst his heart beat thump, thumped loudly all around him. Cheese took several aganisingly shaky breaths of her own. “Will you two shut up!” Drake roared. The pain was worse than before and the fact that he had to listen to them didn’t help. Through gridded teeth he hissed, “If you haven’t noticed. We ALL were attacked. It was a tactic known as testing the waters. They only fought us to see our power and if you haven’t noticed. four other members of our team aren’t here. So they’re still fighting.” Drake took several breaths before he was able to stand. “So if you too are done with the lovers quarrel. We need to get to the others because after seeing who you two where fighting. V2 is in a hell of a lot of trouble, plus Taka is all alone so if they wanted to: they could jump him,” Drake said before he turned to Tocsax and said, “Trust me. This pain isn’t something you want to feel. I’ll use the Rapture to help me heal, but it isn’t going to be a quick one.” Drake’s watch glowed and the cylinder with the rapture pills appeared in his good hand. He quickly took three Rapture pills before they were teleported back into his watch. Drake tried to conjure up lighting in his good hand, but winced when the pain from his wounded hand flared up again. Shit, not good Drake thought While Cheese was very much annoyed at Drakes comments she had to admit he had a point. With a painful grunt she let Mac drop unceremoniously to the ground to take in greedy gulps of air. "Then we'll need as much firepower as possible to drive them off." From seemingly no-where Cheese had once again pulled out her box of tricks. "I had meant to give everyone of these earlier but I didn't get the chance, and I'm no spell-crafter either." From the old wooden box Cheese pulled out a small silk bag filled with glass flames of various sizes, and a glass bead on a string. "Just throw the glass flames at Pain and Panic and they'll explode, the glass bead is a shield charm." She explained as quickly as she could, pulling out another silk bag which she handed to Tocsax. "Hurray, fire and glass." Mac sarcastically cheered as he rubbed his throat. Already ugly purple marks were appearing. "However did we survive without them."