Thank you [@Shmektheshmuck] for helping me start this correctly. ^^ Below is the character sheet to use for your characters. [hider=Sheet]Name: Age: Gender: Race: Description: (Images are fine) Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) Personality: Background: Other: [/hider] [hider=Rena Kin] Name: Rena Kin Age: Appears about 24 years old Gender: Female Race: Half Vampire-Half Elf Description: [img][/img] Alignment: Neutral --> Good Personality: Rena tends to keep her composure in stressful situations, however, she can "explode" if held in too long. She is very sensitive and shy to certain subjects, or around certain people. Once she has gotten used to you, she is very open and often can be flirty; even though she doesn't mean it. She has a hot-temper and can turn a 180 degree mood in a blink of an eye. She is very caring none the less for those she loves and grows very protective. Background: Rena is considered the exiled princess. It is said that she is Queen Nessa illegitimate offspring with a elven man who betrayed her. She remembers being forced from the colony and told to never return. She was of age, roughly 20 in human years when this occurred. She feels it happened because her elf qualities were overpowering her vampire ones, and she did not need to feed on blood like the others. To avoid questioning, her mother simple through her out into the wilderness on her own. Other: N/a[/hider]